Treatment Program


CBT-I is a multi-component treatment that addresses cognitions and behaviours that interfere with sleep. The protocol is semi-structured in relation to the order of treatment components and the number of treatment sessions. Many clients experience improvements in their sleep quality in as little as three sessions, some require more sessions.

Sheena offers both online one to one, small group (max of 10 people) and corporate programs.

Example of a structured one to one therapy program:

Initial Assessment and Sleep Education

This session is primarily an initial assessment which involves a comprehensive intake interview and the completion of questionnaires. Together, these provide an assessment of the sleep problem and information on the client’s medical and mental health history. This provides an indication of whether or not the client is a suitable candidate for CBT-I and identifies any contraindications.

Stimulus Control Techniques/Sleep Scheduling

Poor sleepers frequently engage in behaviours that result in their bed being a cue/signal for wakefulness. This happens because the bed/bedroom has been repeatedly, negatively linked or paired, with nights of poor sleep accompanied by tossing and turning in bed, frustration, anxiety, worry, and even fear. Through repeated pairing of the bed with these states of hyper-arousal, the bed, and sometimes the bedroom, can become conditioned or learned cues for arousal and wakefulness, instead of sleep. This negative linking with the bed and the bedroom has been learned. This being the case, it can be unlearned and that is what stimulus control therapy aims to achieve.

Sleep scheduling aims to establish new routines to maximise sleep benefits.

Cognitive Restructuring

Introducing aspects of cognitive therapy as required. Cognitive therapy is employed to help clients understand how some of their thoughts and beliefs about sleep can contribute to their insomnia, and how to come up with alternative, more helpful, and often more accurate thoughts.

Relapse Prevention

Relapse prevention is a very important aspect of treatment. Concepts that the client found helpful are identified and form the cornerstone of the relapse prevention plan. There may be times when a client experiences a setback e.g. a stressful life event can result in making it difficult to fall asleep. Fortunately, it’s possible to sustain the benefits experienced from the program, by being aware of the key recommendations implemented that served the client well and for them to continue to do (or resume) what worked for them.


*Sleep Hygiene will be discussed from time to time in sessions where needed and lifestyle factors to improve sleep will be explored.


  • CBT-I is a collaborative process and the skills/techniques taught to clients, in the sessions, require practice. Homework assignments are therefore an important aspect of treatment.
  • Sessions are 40 mins in duration.
  • One to one sessions are pay as you go, while group sessions are charged at a fixed rate.



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